Enjoying the Summer with My Littles, Before Back To School Is Near: What Parents Need to Know About Vaccinations Before The School Year Begins #Ad As a parent to two young children, my husband and I collectively made the decision to have both our children receive the recommended vaccines shortly after they were born. To […]

Enjoying the Summer with My Littles -IVaccinate.Org


Is it just me or does it feel like this summer is flying by? I looked up and it was the end of July! Having two children, it can be extremely overwhelming trying to juggle everyone’s needs, activities, and schedules. Now that the end of summer is approaching, I’m trying to do all I can […]

National Immunization Awareness Month is Right Around the Corner 

Ways to keep your children safe this winter and spring season! As busy parents to two children under 5, there can be so many unknown threats to having a safe and enjoyable time with our family outside the home.  From juggling school, extracurricular activities, birthday parties, spending time with friends and loved ones, it can […]

Spring is Near, But the Flu is Still Lurking


It’s that time of year again! Time to gather with loved ones during the holidayseason, but not before protecting yourself and your family. December 5th-9th isNational Influenza Vaccination Week and it’s important for me to share theimportance of vaccines and protecting yourself and your family. Before theholiday season could even begin, my family and I […]

We Want to Spread Holiday Cheer, Not The Flu This Year! 

Disney’s The Lion King made it’s way to the Detroit Opera House and no one was more excited than Lourdes and I! If you missed this extraordinary Broadway production that won six Tony Awards and remains one of the most popular musicals in the world, you truly missed a masterpiece.

A Posh Night at The Theater with Broadway In Detroit, Featuring The Lion King


#Ad As we close out the month of August, which absolutely flew by, I always get excited to see all the adorable back to school posts all my mom friends put on their social media, and all the beautiful children preparing to head back to in person classes, after undergoing a year of virtual learning thanks to Covid-19. What […]

August is National Immunization Awareness Month: What Parents Should Know Before the School Year

Sponsored by The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services In the face of COVID-19, staying healthy has been my highest priority, as I am sure it has been for so many other Americans. Now, more than ever I want to encourage my loved ones, to do everything they can to stay healthy during this […]

Why I’m Getting The Flu Shot This Year


Motherhood has been my absolute greatest gift from God.  He has blessed me tremendously throughout my life, but becoming a mother by far, takes the cake! If people only knew the prayers I prayed before the life I have now, they would understand why I am so grateful for where my life currently is. I […]

Motherhood, My Greatest Gift.

The moment I found out we were expecting, I was so excited! The best part about becoming a mother for me has been the preparation… Preparing for this little human to come into our world and change it forever has been the most amazing feeling. I get excited finding beautiful things to make her space […]

Lourdes Marcelle’s Nursery Decor
