April 24-30th is National Infant Immunization Week (NIIW), which highlights the importance of protecting infants and young children from vaccine-preventable diseases. The CDC and our friends over at make it a priority each year during this time, to focus on making certain families stay on track with their children’s well-child visits to the doctor […]

Spring Is Here and National Infant Immunization Week Is Approaching! 


It’s that time of year again! Time to gather with loved ones during the holidayseason, but not before protecting yourself and your family. December 5th-9th isNational Influenza Vaccination Week and it’s important for me to share theimportance of vaccines and protecting yourself and your family. Before theholiday season could even begin, my family and I […]

We Want to Spread Holiday Cheer, Not The Flu This Year! 

In an instant—everything changed. Before the end of 2020 leading up to the beginning of 2021, I’ve been a bit M.I.A, trying to reconnect with what makes sense, what feels authentic, and more importantly reconnecting with why I started all of this in the first place. As we start out the month of March, Women’s History […]

This one is from the heart…


#Ad As first-time parents, my husband and I chose to have our daughter take the recommended vaccines shortly after she was born. To be completely transparent, there were a few vaccines that initially prompted hesitation and concern, so we did our research and ultimately made the decision to do them all, with the exception of the […]

Protecting My Loves: In partnership with

As we all know, 2020 has by far been the most interesting year we all have ever experienced. From a pandemic to social distancing, to sanitizing our homes and minds, to social injustice and unrest amongst black people, for me, 2020 brought a new meaning to supporting my own. With all of that being said, […]

Shopping Live6 This Holiday Season!


As we all know, 2020 has by far been the most interesting year we all have ever experienced. From a pandemic to social distancing, to sanitizing our homes and minds, to social injustice and unrest amongst black people, for me, 2020 brought a new meaning to supporting my own. With all of that being said, […]

Shopping Live6 This Holiday Season!

Sponsored by The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services In the face of COVID-19, staying healthy has been my highest priority, as I am sure it has been for so many other Americans. Now, more than ever I want to encourage my loved ones, to do everything they can to stay healthy during this […]

Why I’m Getting The Flu Shot This Year


As Featured in The Chicago Defender, The Atlanta Daily World, and The New Pittsburgh Courier Written By: Kimberly M. Dobine It’s hard to think of an artist that encapsulates the spirit of R&B, Jazz, and Pop more than singer Brandy Norwood, and it should be no surprise to anyone who reads this review that her […]

Brandy Reveals Who She IS on the New B7 Album

I’m certain no one could have ever imagined at the start of 2020 where we would find ourselves, at this point in the year. And I am sure no one predicted a global pandemic that would force us all to become teachers for our children, stay at home parents, and remote employees, looking for ways […]

10 Best Practices for Working from Home


I know it may seem like an odd question but, have you ever written a love letter to yourself? If you haven’t I would like to challenge you during this week of love to try writing one to yourself! Start by writing what you love about yourself, what you do for others, how you work […]

Have You Ever Written A Love Letter To Yourself?